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David Mackenzie-Kong

 David Mackenzie-Kong

So you want to know DMK?

I'm David Mackenzie-Kong, and I've always had a deep-seated love for getting lost in the woods, even when I'm not in the middle of an ultra-distance race. It's as if the lush forests and towering trees offer me a portal to a galaxy far, far away, where the mysteries of nature await to be discovered.

My journey into the world of Ironman triathlons began with a daring leap into the unknown. I had never swum such distances, nor had I ever run a full marathon before. But you see, I believe in the indomitable spirit of humanity and our innate power to overcome any challenge, much like the brave souls aboard the starships in Star Trek or the Jedi knights in the epic tales of Star Wars.

In my quest for adventure and self-discovery, I found a mentor in the form of Nick Patenaude, who equipped me with the knowledge and tools I needed to explore the uncharted territories of the human body. Just as Captain Kirk relied on the Enterprise's technology to navigate the cosmos, I use the science of the human body to fuel my intentions and reach new horizons.

Professionally, I've had the privilege of working alongside some of the top digital marketers in the galaxy. Together, we've woven tales of success for giants in the industry, much like the legendary stories that fill the pages of science fiction classics. I've taken the art of algorithmic wizardry and blended it with the magic of creative storytelling, resulting in the creation of vibrant online communities that feel like a bustling hive of alien species from a Star Wars cantina.

Now, I stand on the precipice of a new adventure, one where I plan to apply my skills and passions to create an even stronger community and a more captivating creative narrative for TriNerds. Think of it as a mission to explore the uncharted space of the internet, where we'll boldly go where no community has gone before.

So, whether you're a fellow triathlete, a science fiction enthusiast, or someone seeking to unlock the hidden potential within, I invite you to join me on this extraordinary journey. Together, we'll harness the power of human determination, the wisdom of science fiction sagas, and the thrill of adventure to shape a future that's out of this world.

May the force of human ability be with us all, as we journey through the cosmos of possibilities. Live long and prosper, my friends!

David Mackenzie-Kong

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